Building an Ethical Relationship Between the Province of British Columbia and International Students
Post-secondary institutions in Canada and around the world have made a concerted effort to internationalize higher education in response to an increasingly diverse and globalized world. For the purpose of…
The Barriers of “Canadian Work Experience” for Refugees and Migrants
The arbitrary requirement for “Canadian work experience” is one of the main challenges Newcomers face in regards to accessing meaningful employment. Indeed many Newcomers resort to “survival” jobs as the…
Indigenous Youth in Care Rights to Culture and Community How We Can Do Better
Existing policy in the Child, Family, and Care Services Act includes cultural rights for Indigenous youth in care, however this legislation is not effectively meeting youth-in-care needs. Youth in care…
Restore, Preserve, Revitalize
Language revitalization is something that I feel needs our focus. It is the healing in this process that our Nations should be striving for, and should be putting more action…
Empowering Communities in East Vancouver
Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside is frequently referred to as “Canada’s poorest area code.” The community is home to the largest population of people experiencing poverty and homelessness in Vancouver. A number…
Language Our Heritage, Our Story
British Columbia is one of Canada’s most diverse provinces. With European settler influence establishing English and French as Canada`s national languages we have lost the richness of more than 30…
Advocating for Safety in Workplaces Through Public Policy Change An Examination Powered by Indigenous Knowledge and Social Justice Support
Vision: Developing policy to create, maintain, and foster safer environments for Indigenous people, racialized Newcomers, persons with disabilities, those impoverished, and LGBTQ2S+ (two-spirit), people for all-gendered communities. The purpose of…
Revitalizing Dakelh Midwifery Can Result in Better Healthcare Outcomes for Dakelh Women, and Greater Diversity in Healthcare
The repatriation of childbirth back to Indigenous communities in the Northern Health Region of British Columbia (BC) is beneficial to holistic and Indigenous-led healthcare. Policy interventions internationally, federally, provincially, and…
Educated Social Immigrants for a Globally Competitive Canada
Canada has an ambitious three-year plan to bring 1.3 million immigrants to the country between 2018 and 2021. Today, more than 40% of Canadian population is either a first- or…