Shayli Robinson
Hailing from the Thomas family of T’aat’ka’ at Leeyq’sun, Shayli Robinson (she/they) is an elected councillor of Lyackson First Nation with familial roots in Cowichan Tribes, Songhees Nation, and Squamish Nation on their mother’s side, and mixed ancestry on their father’s. Coming from a community forcibly displaced from their homelands by the Crown, she has lived on Lək̓ʷəŋən territories her whole life, and currently works for Songhees Nation as Policy Assistant and serves as Vice-President to the Victoria Multicultural Society.
Shayli has had a deep interest in and respect for policy from a young age, which grew into a career-driving passion in college as a political science student while serving in the national student movement. Since then, they have honed their skills by working for the Royal BC Museum, the Legislative Assembly of BC, various arts non-profits across Victoria, and as Executive Assistant to Songhees Leadership before transitioning into policy. Her work is rooted in holistic Hul’q’umi’num teachings with the goal of uplifting and empowering hwulmuhw mustimuhw (Indigenous people) to achieve true self-determination.